• Ahmednagar Fort
  • Ahmednagar Fort
  • Ahmednagar Fort

Ahmednagar Fort

Ahmednagar Fort also known as Kot Bagh Nizam is one of the oldest forts of India. Built in the 16th century, the fort standing for over 400 years now, is having the most enticing history of all times. It was the Royal residence and Administrative Centre of Nizam Shahi Dynasty from 1490 AD. It was initially built-in 1490 AD by Ahmed Nizam Shah and rebuilt with the present stone masonry with the moat around in 1553 to 1565 by Hussein Nizam Shah.

This fort is oval in form, 1.70 km in circumference and is strengthened by 24 bastions. Originally it had two entrances, one on the West side for wheeled traffic and other on the East side for foot passengers in the form of sally port and suspension bridge. These were closed and the present entrance was constructed by British during 1943 by breaking the Fort wall and filling the portion of the moat. It is peculiarly well planned and strong built fort with stone walls rising about 30 feet from the bottom of the moat. Although lying on comparatively low ground yet it cannot be spotted within a large distance. Portuguese are said to have helped to build this fort. First Prime Minister of free India, Pandit Nehru wrote Discovery of India when he was imprisoned in this fort here in 1944. Leaders rooms are still alive inside the fort, where leaders of freedom struggle were imprisoned from 1942 45. Although, the Indian army occupies the fort, entry into the fort is allowed by signing at the gate. But photography is not allowed inside the fort.

Contact Person

District Superintendent Police Office
Superintendent of Police
Phone Number: +91241 2416101
Email: sp[dot]ahmednagar[at]mahapolice[dot]gov[dot]in


Nearest Airport - Pune (120 Km away)
Nearest Railway Station - Ahmednagar (5 Km away)


Min. +11° celsius
Max. +38° celsius

Ahmednagar Fort Map Location