An application along with processing fee of INR equivalent to USD 225 is required to be made online, to enable submission of your application. Please note that application-processing fee is non-refundable, and will not be returned under any circumstance. Kindly ensure that your production is a Feature Film, TV/Web show and series & Reality TV/Web show and series. FFO does not accept application for Documentary films, AV commercials and music videos.
Lohagad fort – meaning “Iron fort” in Marathi and is situated in Lonavala region It divides the basins of the Indrayani and Pavna and is situated on a side range of the Sahyadris. The Visapur fort is located on its eastern side. The four large gates of Lohagad are still in good condition. Lohagad has a long history and was used by all dynasties who ruled Vidharbha and Maratha kingdoms. Lohagad fort is placed at an altitude of more than 1050 meters. The Lohagad fort is a fine destination for tourist with interests in architecture, archaeology and history. Be it representing a stop for finding hidden treasure or else providing a backdrop of suspense and horror. The beautifully preserved sections of the fort would come alive on the screen providing a perfect setting for taking the imagination of writers and directors to its fruitful climax.
Contact Person
Superintending Archaeologist
Archaeological Survey of India
Phone Number: 022 24078266
Email: circlemum[dot]asi[at]gmail[dot]com
Nearest Airport - Pune (66 Km away)
Nearest Railway Station - Mavali (6 Km away)
Min. +32° celsius
Max. +32° celsius