An application along with processing fee of INR equivalent to USD 225 is required to be made online, to enable submission of your application. Please note that application-processing fee is non-refundable, and will not be returned under any circumstance. Kindly ensure that your production is a Feature Film, TV/Web show and series & Reality TV/Web show and series. FFO does not accept application for Documentary films, AV commercials and music videos.
Started in 1559 but consecrated in 1603, the church of Bom Jesus was a parish church in the early days of the Portuguese rule. The monument is living tribute to the craftsmanship of Portuguese artisans in ornate and intricate design. The main feature of the church is its painted an gilt wooden altar reredos and pulpit. The richly carved main south door with the elevated facade, lofty ceiling, embellished with the statues of six saints are aesthetic and pleasing. Done in the best traditions of Roman Church art and architecture, the church dedicated to Bom Jesus attracts both, tourists and pilgrims, in large numbers.
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Email: example[at]eg[dot]com
Nearest Airport - Surat Airport (127 Km away)
Nearest Railway Station - Vapi (13 Km away)
Min. +10 Degree Celcius
Max. +42 Degree Celcius