About Us

About the Ministry

The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting is one among the early Ministries set up after India’s Independence and Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was India’s first Minister for Information and Broadcasting.

The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting is one of the vital Ministries that represent the face of the government in reaching out to the masses. The Ministry is entrusted with the task of disseminating information about government policies, schemes and programmes through the different medium of mass communication covering radio, television, press, social media, printed publicity like booklets, posters, outdoor publicity including through traditional modes of communication such as dance, drama, folk recitals, puppet shows etc. The Ministry is also the focal point as regards policy matters related to private broadcasting sector, administering of the public broadcasting service- Prasar Bharati, multi-media advertising and publicity of the policies and programmes of the Union Government, film promotion and certification and regulation of print media.

On the public service broadcasting sphere, the Ministry overviews matters relating to All India Radio and Doordarshan through the Prasar Bharati (Broadcasting Corporation of India Act),1990 which includes regulation of use of All India Radio and Doordarshan by recognised national and regional political parties during elections of the Lok Sabha and State Assemblies and procedure to be followed by the official electronic media during periods of national mourning on the demise of a high dignitary.

The Ministry of Information & Broadcasting is functionally organized into three wings

  1. Information Wing
  2. Broadcasting Wing
  3. Films Wing

Information Wing

The Information Wing is in charge of the presentation and interpretation of the policies and activities of the Government of India through the medium of the print, electronic and digital media, framing of policy guidelines for rate fixation of government advertisements on print, electronic, and online platform, administering of the Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867, the Press Council Act, 1978 and allocation of newsprint to Newspapers. Besides, it is the administrative wing for the Media Units namely, Press Information Bureau, Central Bureau of Communication, Publications Division, Press Registrar General of India, Indian Institute of Mass Communication, Cadre management of the Indian Information Service (Groups 'A' & 'B')etc.

Broadcasting Wing

The Broadcasting Wing by administering the Prasar Bharati (Broadcasting Corporation of India) Act, 1990 takes care of the affairs of All India Radio and Doordarshan including matters related to development of radio and television broadcasting throughout the Union, installation and maintenance of Radio Stations, Transmitters, operation of television Programme Production Centres etc.

Broadcasting Wing of the Ministry consists of the TV (I) Section, B&PL Section, Community Radio Station (CRS) Section, FM Radio Cell, Digital Addressable System (DAS) Section & Broadcasting Content Sections, BD & BD(Fin.) Section.

Films Wing

The Films Wing of the Ministry administers the Cinematograph Act, 1952 which looks into certification of films for public exhibition, import of films for theatrical and non-theatrical viewing, export of Indian films, import of unexposed cinematograph films and various types of equipment required by the film industry, all matters relating to film industry, including developmental and promotional activities thereto, promotion of good cinema by institution of State awards for films produced in India and assistance through the National Film Development Corporation Limited, production and distribution of documentaries and newsreels and other films and film strips for internal and external publicity, preservation of films and filmic materials, organization of International Film Festivals in India and participation of India in International Film Festivals abroad, organization of Film Festivals under Cultural Exchange Programmes etc.

The three Wings in the Ministry are assisted and supported in its activities by 11 Attached & Subordinate offices, 5 Autonomous Organizations, 2 Statutory Bodies and 2 Public Sector Undertakings.

Attached and Subordinate Organizations:

  1. Press Information Bureau.
  2. Central Bureau of Communication
  3. Publications Division.
  4. Press Registrar General of India
  5. Central Board of Film Certification.
  6. Electronic Media Monitoring Centre (EMMC)
  7. New Media Wing

Autonomous Organizations

  1. Prasar Bharati
     a. All India Radio
     b. Doordarshan
  2.  Film and Television Institute of India, Pune
  3.  Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute, Kolkata
  4.  Indian Institute of Mass Communication

Statutory Bodies

  1. Press Council of India

Public Sector Undertakings

  1. National Film Development Corporation Limited (NFDC)
  2. Broadcast Engineering Consultants (India) Limited (BECIL)

Vision and Mission


  • Create an enabling environment for sustained growth of media and entertainment sector, facilitate value based wholesome entertainment and effectively disseminate information on government policies, programmes and achievements.


  • To effectively disseminate information on the policies, programmes and achievements of Government while ensuring free flow of information to the public and safeguarding freedom of the press and media in general.
  • To communicate and publicize the Government’s Flagship programmes directly to the beneficiaries through appropriate multimedia public campaigns down to the grassroots level.
  • Strengthen and expand infrastructural support in order to create opportunities for young talent to develop its potential in the fields of print media, electronic media and films.
  • To promote, facilitate and develop the Broadcasting Industry in India and strengthen the Public Service Broadcaster.
  • Adopt a structured and time bound approach towards evolving a sound and accurate ‘Rating’ systems for Broadcasting Sector which has an over-riding impact on content creation by Broadcasters.
  • Activate the process to evolve Public Private Participation (PPP) mode in the entertainment and media sectors with industry bodies.
  • To promote and develop good and value based cinema for healthy entertainment of people of all ages and create a policy framework for achieving this.
  • To restore, digitalize, preserve and enhance public access to the archival wealth of films, video and audio resources.
  • Make India the hub for Animation, Gaming and VFX Sector utilizing the comparative advantage of India in this sector.
  • Combat film, music and video piracy in coordination with other concerned agencies.
  • Promote good cinema and propagate film culture through film festivals & celebrations.
  • Ensure transparency in decision making relating to core mandate of the Ministry and eliminate delays in implementation at all levels thereto.

Work Allocation

Additional Secretary

  • All files of JS (B-II) relating to Prasar Bharati and CRS shall be submitted to Secretary (I&B) through Additional Secretary.
  • All matters related to JS (Films) to be handled directly by AS till such time the post of JS(Films) is vacant.

Additional Secretary & Financial Adviser now Special Secretary and Financial Advisor

  • All matters related to Finance, Budget and Accounts of this Ministry.

Joint Secretary (Films)

  • Policy formulation in Media & Entertainment (M&E) Sector.
  • All policy, financial, Plan schemes and administrative matters relating to NFDC, CBFC, CFSI, National Films Archives of India(NFAI), FTII, SRFTI, Films Division, Directorate of Films Festivals including National-International Films Festivals, Film Industry, Films Certification Appellate Tribunal.
  • Matters relating to Cinematograph Act and Rules framed thereunder
  • Matters related to video piracy, copyright, intellectual property rights, FIPB, Project import proposal, audio-visual coproduction agreements with various countries.
  • Participation in film markets/film bazaar, permission to foreign film makers to shoot feature film in India.
  • Setting up of National Centre for excellence for animation, gaming and visual effects.

Joint Secretary (Policy & Administration)

  • Policy matters of the Press and Print Media, publicity requirements of the Government
  • Administration Division of the Ministry
  • Matters relating to Media Units except RNI and BOC
  • Projecting India’s success stories globally
  • Matters related to Electronic Media Monitoring Centre & New Media Cell
  • All matters relating to Broadcast Content Regulations and Licensing of Private TV channels
  • Digital/ Online Media
    Films and Audio-Visual programmes made available by online content providers
    News and current affairs content on online platforms
  • Broadcasting Policy & Legislation (Programme Code and Advertisement Code) excluding matters of Prasar Bharati.

Joint Secretary (Broadcasting-I)

  • Cadre management of Indian Information Service (IIS)
  • Licensing of Private T.V. Channels
  • Formulation of National Broadcasting Policy
  • Broadcasting Policy and Legislation (including DTH)
  • Digitization of Cable TV
  • Broadcasting Development and Finance
  • Matters relating to FM Radio
  • Charge of Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO).

Joint Secretary (Broadcasting-II)

  • All matters relating to Broadcasting Administration of Engineering and Programme wings of Prasar Bharati
  • Matters relating to Broadcasting Content of Prasar Bharati and all other matters of Prasar Bharati
  • Matters relating to Community Radio
  • Matters relating to RNI and BOC.
  • Matters relating to Broadcasting Development Section
  • Matters relating to Broadcasting Finance Section

Senior Economic Adviser/Economic Adviser

  • Consolidation of schemes and periodic evaluation of performance indicators in terms of impact, expenditure and outcomes
  • Outlining strategic papers and vision document for key initiatives of the Ministry
  • Evaluating performance of Inter-Media Publicity Coordination Committee (IMPCC) across States to ascertain the impact of Governance policies and programmes.
  • Matters relating to Union Budget and Fiscal Policy matters relating to I&B Ministry
  • Matters relating to President’s Speech
  • Website and Dashboard
  • Coordination of Parliament matters

Citizen Charter

S. No. Title Year Type/Size Download/Details
1 Citizen Charter 2023-24 2024 Citizen Charter 2023-24 853.27 KB View
2 Citizen Charter 2022-23 2023 Citizen Charter 2022-23 718.11 KB View
3 Citizen Charter 2021-22 (updated) 2022 Citizen Charter 2021-22 (updated) 667.14 KB View
4 Citizen Charter 2021-22 2022 Citizen Charter 2021-22 397.25 KB View
5 Citizen Charter 2020-21 2021 Citizen Charter 2020-21 823.98 KB View

Official Language

Title Type/Size Details
Department of official language
Annual Programme 2024-25
Quarterly Progress Report Proforma
Easy Administrative Glossary
Annual Assessment Report Proforma
Hindi Dictionary Hindi Dictionary 933.06 KB View