National Film Development Corporation Limited

National Film Development Corporation Limited

For more details kindly refer the website

In December, 2020, the Union Cabinet had decided to merge four Film Media Units under Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, namely Films Division (FD), Directorate of Film Festivals (DFF), National Film Archive of India (NFAI) and Children’s Film Society, India (CFSI) into National Film Development Corporation Ltd. (NFDC) by expanding the Memorandum of Articles of Association of NFDC, which will then carry out all the activities hitherto performed by them with the objective of ensuring synergy, convergence of activities and better utilization of resources. Accordingly, the activities of all the four Film Media Units have been transferred to NFDC [except the activities relating to Public Service Awareness (PSA) films which have been entrusted to Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC)]. These four Film Media Units are closed with effect from 01.01.2023.

The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting transferred the mandate of production of documentaries and short films, organization of film festivals and preservation of films to the National Film Development Corporation (NFDC), a PSU working under the Ministry. Bringing all these activities under a single management will reduce the overlap of various activities and ensure better utilization of public resources. The mandate of production of feature films is already being carried out by NFDC. It will give a strong impetus to the production of films of all genres including feature films, documentaries, children's films, and animation films; promotion of films through participation in different international festivals and organizing various domestic festivals; preservation of filmic content, digitization and restoration of films; and  distribution and outreach activities. The ownership of the assets available with these units will, however, remain with the Government of India.

The objective of NFDC-NFAI is Trace, Acquire and Preserve the National Cinematic Heritage as well as a representative collection of world cinema for posterity; classify and document data pertaining to films, Undertake and encourage research on cinema, Act as a center for the dissemination of film culture in the country; 

Promote Indian Cinema across the Globe. 

Being the national custodian for the preservation of audio-visual heritage with over four decades of experience, NFAI is committed to the acquisition, preservation, restoration and dissemination of India's socio-cultural heritage. This heritage may be in the form of film and non-film content, including but not limited to celluloid films, still photographs, wall posters, song booklets, posters, lobby cards, documentaries, and VHS tapes.

NFAI often collaborates with national and international institutes to not only promote Indian cinema but also to bring world cinema home in the form of film festivals, seminars and workshops.

The link of the website is mentioned below: