Films Wing

About Us

Films Wing deals all matters relating to film viz. promoting production, dissemination, and preservation of filmic content including organization of International Film Festival of India, other national and international film festivals, sanctioning of films, granting film shooting permission, holding National Film Awards are handled in Films Wing. Films Wing is divided in Films Wing-I and Films Wing-II and each wing has 03 desks which are as under:

Films Wing-I

  1. F(C) Desk –
    1. All matters relating to Central Board of Film Certification Board.
    2. Cinematograph Act, 1952
    3. Co-ordination work of Film Wing.
    4. All disciplinary cases not having vigilance angle in respect of Officers/Staff of Media Unit(s) controlled by F(C) Desk
    5. Review of cases under FR 56(J) in respect of Officers and Staff belonging to non-Organized Cadres working in Media Unit(s) controlled by the Desk
    6. All the matters relating to NFDC - NFAI, Pune
    7. Matters related to Video Piracy
    8. Parliament Questions/Assurances, Court Cases, VIP/MP/PMO references, audit objections and all other ancillary works on the above subjects
    9. Any other office related work entrusted by superiors in time of exigency
  2. F(I) Desk –
    1. All matters relating to Film Industry, Film Organizations, and Film Society etc.
    2. FDI proposals in respect of film production.
    3. FIPB/Project Import Proposals
    4. Audio-Visual Co-Production Agreements with various countries
    5. Incentives for foreign film shooting in India and co-production and works related to Champion Service Sector Scheme merged into DCDFC Scheme.
    6. Permission to foreign film makers to shoot feature film in India.
    7. Exemption of Customs duties to temporary imported films/DVDs arriving for exhibition in various
    8. Procedure for Setting up of National Centre of Excellence for Animation, Gaming & Visual Effects.
    9. Production of any kind of films anywhere that includes production of documentary films, children’s films, various regional languages films among other things
    10. Grant for promotion of films
    11. Webcasting of Film Archives
    12. Exhibition of Children’s Films in School
    13. Works related to Film Facilitation Office
    14. Parliament Questions/Assurances, Court Cases, VIP/MP/PMO references, audit objections and all other ancillary works on the above subjects
    15. Any other office related work entrusted by superiors in time of exigency
  3. F(F) Desk –
    1. National Film Awards
    2. International Film Festival of India
    3. All matters relating to organization of National Film Festivals, Film Weeks, etc. in India.
    4. All matters relating to budget proposals to DCDFC Scheme, including Grants-in-Aid to NGOs for organizing Film Festivals in India.
    5. Participation in Film Markets/Film Bazaar, domestic or international.
    6. Any kind of participation in and organizing international or domestic film festival that includes Mumbai International Film Festival, IFFI etc. among other things
    7. Parliament Questions/Assurances, Court Cases, VIP/MP/PMO references, audit objections and all other ancillary works on the above subjects
    8. Any other office related work entrusted by superiors in time of exigency

Films Wing-II

  1. F(FTI) Desk –
    1. Implementation of the decision of the Union Cabinet on merger of Film Media Units
    2. Redeployment of surplus staff who are placed in Surplus Staff Establishment (SSE) in consultation with DoPT.
    3. Special VRS to surplus staff, who opted for the scheme.
    4. Establishment matter of Surplus Staff Establishment viz. Utilization of services of surplus staff, clarification on all administrative issues raised by SSE viz. MACP, accommodation, CGHS, retirement on superannuation, TA. etc.
    5. Annual Plan/Plan Schemes/Budget Proposals for Surplus Staff Establishment.
    6. Court cases of SSE arising out on the matter of redeployment and other issue after merger.
    7. Abolition of posts of Film Media Units viz. Films Division, DFF and NFAI and abolition of posts in Surplus Staff Establishment.
    8. Closure of Branch Offices of Films Division and transfer of its space etc. to NFDC/other Media Units in this Ministry.
    9. Issue clarification to borrowing Media Units where 95 staff are redeployed.
  2. F(A) Desk –
    1. Implementation of the decision of the Union Cabinet on merger of Film Media Units
    2. Redeployment of surplus staff who are placed in Surplus Staff Establishment (SSE) in consultation with DoPT.
    3. Special VRS to surplus staff, who opted for the scheme.
    4. Establishment matter of Surplus Staff Establishment viz. Utilization of services of surplus staff, clarification on all administrative issues raised by SSE viz. MACP, accommodation, CGHS, retirement on superannuation, TA. etc.
    5. Annual Plan/Plan Schemes/Budget Proposals for Surplus Staff Establishment.
    6. Court cases of SSE arising out on the matter of redeployment and other issue after merger.
    7. Abolition of posts of Film Media Units viz. Films Division, DFF and NFAI and abolition of posts in Surplus Staff Establishment.
    8. Closure of Branch Offices of Films Division and transfer of its space etc. to NFDC/other Media Units in this Ministry.
    9. Issue clarification to borrowing Media Units where 95 staff are redeployed.
    10. Monitoring and granting approval of para-wise comments/counter affidavit in 34 court cases (32 Films Division and 02 CFSI) earlier dealt by FD and CFSI on various issues viz. Pay parity, promotion, disciplinary cases/vigilance cases, commercial agreement etc.
    11. All disciplinary cases and Vigilance cases pending with erstwhile Films Division and CFSI.
    12. Various Audit paras related to Films Division and CFSI.
    13. Framing of policy guidelines on Public Service Awareness films of Govt. of India.
    14. Theatrical release of PSA films received from various Ministries/ Departments and PMO.
    15. Various pending issues with erstwhile Films Division and CFSI.
    16. Exhibition of Films in Mahadev Road Auditorium
    17. All Parliament matters, President Office/PMO/MPs/VIPs references, Standing / Consultative Committee references/ Implementation of PAC recommendations/, RTI matters, Grievance Petition, co-ordination with PMS Section, PPC Section, Admin Section , Economic Wing, Finance Wing, Rajbhasha Section on different issues.
  3. F(PSU) Desk –
    1. All administrative and financial matters relating to National Film Development Corporation.
    2. All proposal for maintenance of assets and establishment expenditure of merged 4 films media units i.e. DFF, FD, CFSI & NFAI.
    3. Signing of MoU as per DPE guidelines for evaluating performance of NFDC per financial year. Examination of performance evaluation report of NFDC as per signed MoU.
    4. Compliance of Corporation governance guidelines - quarterly examination of reports and submission to DPE, M/o Finance.
    5. Laying of Annual Reports & Audited Accounts and MoU in both the houses of Parliament, Materials for Annual report of Ministry pertaining to NFDC.
    6. Providing various information to DPE pertaining to NFDC like corporate governance guidelines, PE survey, CAPEX of NFDC etc.
    7. General Parliament matters like SCIT, Study visit by MPs, Board meetings of NFDC, Annual General meeting/Extra-ordinary General meeting of NFDC, VIP/MP references, Parliament questions, various information sought by PC, Policy Planning Cell, Parliament Cell etc, RTI, Information regarding Monthly D.O. to be sent to Finance Secretary & Secretary (Expenditure), Information regarding guarantees given by NFDC.

AVGC Promotion

AVGC Task Force was constituted under the Chairmanship of Secretary, Ministry of I & B, Shri Apurva Chandra, to help realize the full potential of the AVGC sector in India, with key stakeholders from the Industry and the Government. Secretaries of associated union ministries viz. MSDE, Department of Higher Education- MoE, MeITY & DPIIT were members of this Task Force. It also included members from State Governments of Karnataka, Maharashtra, Telangana; heads of education bodies such as All India Council of Technical Education, National Council of Educational Research and Training and representatives of industry bodies - MESC, FICCI and CII.

Further, the Task Force had key industry leaders of AVGC Sector as members, viz. Shri Biren Ghosh, Country Head, Technicolor India; Shri Ashish Kulkarni, Founder, Punaryug Artvision Pvt. Ltd.; Shri Jesh Krishna Murthy, Founder and CEO Anibrain; Shri Keitan Yadav, COO and VFX Producer, Redchillies VFX; Shri Chaitanya Chinchlikar, Chief Technology Officer, Whistling Woods International; Shri Kishore Kichili, Sr. Vice President and Country Head, Zynga India and Shri Neeraj Roy, Managing Director and CEO of Hungama Digital Media Entertainment.

Four Sub-Task Forces were constituted for devising strategies of growth through targeted interventions in their respective areas, a) Industry & Policy headed by Shri Apurva Chandra, Secretary MOIB; b) Education headed by Shri Anil Shahashrabudhe, then Chairperson AICTE; c) Skilling headed by Shri Rajesh Aggarwal, then Secretary MoSDE, and; d) Gaming headed by Shri Vikram Sahay, JS MOIB. Their recommendations have formed the basis of the consolidated report of the Task Force.

The Union Budget had announced the constitution of a Task force on AVGC to identify interventions to build domestic capacity for serving our markets and the global demand.

The Task Force is an effort to realise the Prime Minister’s vision that the AVCG-XR sector can provide immense employment opportunities to the youth who can serve the global market and the Indian talent can lead the way in this sector.

Union Minister for Information and Broadcasting Shri. Anurag Singh Thakur has identified that the AVGC sector can serve as a major growth driver for the M&E industry in India and emphasized that beyond the high economic impact of the growth of this sector, the sector also has the potential to better disseminate and promote the Indian culture to the world, connect the Indian diaspora more strongly to India, generate direct and indirect quality employment and benefit tourism and other allied industries.

The detailed report can be accessed on the website of Ministry of I&B

Sr. No. Title Date Type/Size Download/Details
1 The detailed report can be accessed on the website of Ministry of I&B The detailed report can be accessed on the website of Ministry of I&B 15.91 MB View
2 Draft Model State Policy for AVGC-XR Sector Draft Model State Policy for AVGC-XR Sector 4.12 MB View
3 National Policy for Growth of AVGC-XR Sector in India National Policy for Growth of AVGC-XR Sector in India 7.57 MB View
4 Office Order dated 08-04-2022 regarding constitution of AVGC Promotion Task Force Office Order dated 08-04-2022 regarding constitution of AVGC Promotion Task Force 707.67 KB View
5 Approved Minutes of the First Meeting of the Sub Task Force on Industry & Policy held on 14th June 2022 Approved Minutes of the First Meeting of the Sub Task Force on Industry & Policy held on 14th June 2022 2.73 MB View
6 Order No 1 dated 01-06-2022- AVGC Sub Task Force on Industry and Policy Order No 1 dated 01-06-2022- AVGC Sub Task Force on Industry and Policy 1.82 MB View
7 Order No 2 dated 01-06-2022- AVGC Sub Task Force on Skill Development Order No 2 dated 01-06-2022- AVGC Sub Task Force on Skill Development 1.84 MB View
8 Order No 3 dated 01-06-2022- AVGC Sub Task Force on Education Order No 3 dated 01-06-2022- AVGC Sub Task Force on Education 1.81 MB View
9 Order No 4 dated 01-06-2022- AVGC Sub Task Force on Gaming Order No 4 dated 01-06-2022- AVGC Sub Task Force on Gaming 1.44 MB View

AVGC Task Force Documents

Sr. No. Title Date Type/Size Download/Details
1 The detailed report can be accessed on the website of Ministry of I&B The detailed report can be accessed on the website of Ministry of I&B 15.91 MB View
2 Draft Model State Policy for AVGC-XR Sector Draft Model State Policy for AVGC-XR Sector 4.12 MB View
3 National Policy for Growth of AVGC-XR Sector in India National Policy for Growth of AVGC-XR Sector in India 7.57 MB View

1st National Workshop on AVGC

The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting organized the First National Workshop and Consultation on Draft AVGC Policies at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi, for industry, academia & the government on 18th April, 2023. There was forthcoming participation from several Government bodies of both Centre & State level related to AVGC, along with the industry associations & industry leaders of the AVGC sector.

The workshop was inaugurated by Shri Apurva Chandra, Secretary, Ministry of I&B and Chairman AVGC Taskforce. He spoke about the Ministry’s efforts to strengthen the AVGC (Animation, Visual Effects, Gaming & Comics - Extended Reality) sector in India and emphasised that the States also put in their best efforts to benefit from the growth of the AVGC sector.

Some lighthouse States of AVGC shared their learnings and best practices during the course of the workshop, which is envisaged to provide guidance to other states, including helping them in drafting state-level AVGC policies. The sessions covered during the workshop are envisioned to help states gain clarity on various aspects of the State AVGC policy, thereby enabling them in drafting state level policies.

Representatives of various leading companies and industry bodies working in the M&E and AVGC-XR space participated in the workshop and shared their insights on promoting the sector in the country.



National Film Development Corporation

In December, 2020, the Union Cabinet had decided to merge four Film Media Units under Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, namely Films Division (FD), Directorate of Film Festivals (DFF), National Film Archive of India (NFAI) and Children’s Film Society, India (CFSI) into National Film Development Corporation Ltd. (NFDC) by expanding the Memorandum of Articles of Association of NFDC, which will then carry out all the activities hitherto performed by them with the objective of ensuring synergy, convergence of activities and better utilization of resources. Accordingly, the activities of all the four Film Media Units have been transferred to NFDC [except the activities relating to Public Service Awareness (PSA) films which have been entrusted to Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC)]. These four Film Media Units are closed with effect from 01.01.2023. The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting transferred the mandate of production of documentaries and short films, organization of film festivals and preservation of films to the National Film Development Corporation (NFDC), a PSU working under the Ministry. Bringing all these activities under a single management will reduce the overlap of various activities and ensure better utilization of public resources. The mandate of production of feature films is already being carried out by NFDC. It will give a strong impetus to the production of films of all genres including feature films, documentaries, children's films, and animation films; promotion of films through participation in different international festivals and organizing various domestic festivals; preservation of filmic content, digitization and restoration of films; and distribution and outreach activities. The ownership of the assets available with these units will, however, remain with the Government of India. The objective of NFDC-NFAI is Trace, Acquire and Preserve the National Cinematic Heritage as well as a representative collection of world cinema for posterity; classify and document data pertaining to films, Undertake and encourage research on cinema, Act as a center for the dissemination of film culture in the country;

Promote Indian Cinema across the Globe

Being the national custodian for the preservation of audio-visual heritage with over four decades of experience, NFAI is committed to the acquisition, preservation, restoration and dissemination of India's socio-cultural heritage. This heritage may be in the form of film and non-film content, including but not limited to celluloid films, still photographs, wall posters, song booklets, posters, lobby cards, documentaries, and VHS tapes.

NFAI often collaborates with national and international institutes to not only promote Indian cinema but also to bring world cinema home in the form of film festivals, seminars and workshops.

The link of the website is mentioned below:

Cinemas of India

Cinemas of India (COI), a multi-faceted distribution platform of NFDC, was launched in 2012 to facilitate showcasing of Indian cinema, primarily made by the emerging talents of the country. COI also plays an important role in bridging the gap between the maestros of Indian cinema and the new-age film-makers, by presenting their works in various formats.

It endeavours towards building an ever-increasing audience for deserving Indian films, parenting emerging talent in India and building a platform for these filmmakers across geographies. The Cinemas of India (COI) campaign took a significant step to promote Indian cinema in the form of setting up a Video-on-Demand (VOD) platform, to upload and stream Indian films across geographical, social & cross-cultural barriers. The website is engineered to act as a carrier of Indian cinema in the global culture of film. The campaign aims to encourage and make available online to an audience, deserving Indian films.

The link of the website is mentioned below:


Incorporated in the year 1975, National Film Development Corporation Limited (NFDC) was formed by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India with the primary objective of planning, promoting & organizing an integrated and efficient development of the Indian film industry

NFDC was set up mainly to promote the good cinema movement in the country. An important aspect of this mandate includes building audiences for good films and promoting film as a medium of value-based social change and dissemination of art, in addition to entertainment.

In December, 2020, the Union Cabinet had decided to merge four of its film media units, namely Films Division, Directorate of Film Festivals, National Film Archive of India, and Children’s Film Society, India with the National Film Development Corporation Ltd. by expanding the Memorandum of Articles of Association of NFDC, which will then carry out all the activities hitherto performed by them with the objective of ensuring synergy, convergence of activities & better utilization of resources.

Over the years NFDC has worked with some of the most acclaimed filmmakers of India including Satyajit Ray, Mira Nair, Aparna Sen, Shyam Benegal, Govind Nihalani, Mrinal Sen, Richard Attenborogh, Adoor Gopalkrishnan and Ketan Mehta. 

NFDC is breaking new grounds by co-producing projects involving public-private partnerships.

NFDC facilitates line production services of shooting in India and animation services of overseas clients. 

NFDC organizes Film Bazaar India- a co-production and distribution market for the South Asian region alongside the International Film Festival of India, Goa.


NFDC aims at fostering excellence in cinema and promoting the diversity of its culture by supporting and encouraging films made in various Indian languages.


To create domestic and global appreciation and celebration of the independent Indian cinema.


  • To develop talent and to facilitate the growth of Indian cinema in all languages through productions and co-productions, script development  and need based workshops;
  • To promote Indian culture through cinema in India and overseas;
  • To build a lean and flexible organisation responsive to the needs of the Indian film industry.

The link of the website is mentioned below:

Film Facilitation Office

The Film Facilitation Office (FFO) invites film producers and production companies from across the world to shoot their Feature Films, TV/Web shows and series & Reality TV/Web shows and series in India, a country with locations of untold beauty.

The Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India, set up the FFO in the National Film Development Corporation (NFDC) with a view to promote and facilitate film shootings by foreign filmmakers in India. The services rendered by the FFO have now been extended to Indian filmmakers as well.

The link of the website is mentioned below:

Click to Visit FFO Website

Film Certification- CBFC

Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) is a statutory body under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, regulating the public exhibition of films under the provisions of the Cinematograph Act 1952.

Films can be publicly exhibited in India only after they have been certified by the Central Board of Film Certification.

The Board consists of non-official members and a Chairman (all of whom are appointed by the Central Government) and functions with headquarters at Mumbai. It has nine Regional offices, one each at Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore, Thiruvananthapuram, Hyderabad, New Delhi, Cuttack and Guwahati. The Regional Offices are assisted in the examination of films by Advisory Panels. The members of the panels are nominated by Central Government by drawing people from different walks of life for a period of 2 years.

The Certification process is in accordance with The Cinematograph Act, 1952, The Cinematograph (certification) Rules, 1983, and the guidelines issued by the Central government u/s 5 (B).

The link of the website is mentioned below:

Film Institutes

Film and Television Institute of India (FTII)

The Film Institute of India was set up by the Government of India in 1960 under the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting.   Following the addition of the Television Wing in 1971, the Institute was re-designated as Film and Television Institute of India (FTII). The Institute was registered as a Society in October, 1974 under the Societies’ Registration Act, 1860. The FTII Society consists of eminent personalities connected with Film, Television, Communication, Culture, Alumni of the Institute and ex-Officio government Members. The Institute is governed by a Governing Council, headed by Chairman. The academic policies of the Institute are formulated by the Academic Council. The matters involving finance are controlled by the Standing Finance Committee.

The Institute consists of two Wings: Film and Television, which offer courses in both Film and Television. The Three Year Courses lead to award of Post Graduate Diploma in Direction & Screenplay Writing, Cinematography, Sound Recording & Sound Design, Editing and Art Direction & Production Design. The Institute also offers a Two Year Post Graduate Diploma Course in Screen Acting and Screen Writing (Film, TV & Web Series). The Television Courses consist of One Year Post Graduate Certificate Course with specializations in TV Direction, Electronic Cinematography, Video Editing, Sound Recording & TV Engineering.

FTII, Pune has started short-term courses since May, 2017 to provide affordable and accessible quality cinema literacy across the country by a new initiative: Skilling India in Film and Television (SKIFT) in association with State Governments/ Universities/ Educational Institutes.

The link of the website is mentioned below:


Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute (SRFTI)

Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute (SRFTI), Kolkata was established by the Government of India in 1995 as an autonomous educational institution under the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting and was registered under West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961. Located at Kolkata and named after the legendary film maestro, Satyajit Ray, SRFTI the Institute provides higher and professional education and technical expertise in the art and technique of film-making and television production.

The Institute offers 3-year post-graduate programme in 6 (six) specializations in films - (1) Direction & Screenplay Writing, (2) Cinematography, (3) Editing, (4) Sound Recording & Design, (5) Producing for Film & Television and (6) Animation Cinema and 2-year Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Electronic & Digital Media (EDM) in 6 (six) specializations - (1) Electronic and Digital Media Management, (2) Cinematography for Electronic and Digital Media, (3) Writing for Electronic and Digital Media, (4) Direction and Producing for Electronic and Digital Media, (5) Editing for Electronic and Digital Media and (6) Sound for Electronic and Digital Media.

In addition to regular classes, the students of the Institute are also enriched with the Master Classes by various Guest Lecturers, Workshops, Seminars, etc. conducted by Industry experts. SRFTI has succeeded in articulating and disseminating classical and contemporary theories of praxis for the creative minds to leap into the world of professional practice: be it mainstream, parallel, art-house, experimental or non-fiction narratives. The Institute has crossed  many mile stones towards a new paradigm of the art and craft of Filmmaking.

The link of the website is mentioned below:

Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute North East (SRFTI-NE)

As part of the Government’s initiatives for the overall development of North Eastern Region of the country and to encourage talent among youngsters of the North East in the sector of film and television, the Ministry is establishing the Film and Television Institute in the North Eastern Region at Arunachal Pradesh on similar lines to that of Film and Television Institute of India (FTII), Pune and Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute (SRFTI), Kolkata. 

Foundation Stone of FTI, Arunachal Pradesh was laid by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India on 09.02.2019. A temporary campus has been started at Itanagar where foundation courses are being offered to the students belonging to North Eastern Region. ‘A Short Trip of Cinema’, a ten-week duration short course on the Aesthetics of Cinema, is organized in a temporary campus. The course has been designed with basics such as Film Direction & Screenplay, Cinematography, Editing, Sound Recording & Design, and Producing for Film. Six short-term courses from various specializations and disciplines were conducted after its commencement from March, 2017.

The aim of the course is:

  1. Cinema in India is a very vast field that offers definite career options in its various departments and the same can be pursued after completion of the course.
  2. The knowledge imparted for the ‘basic apparatus’ and ‘sensibility’ required in making films.
  3. Students after completing the program will be able to chart a path for them to pursue filmmaking as a profession and accordingly choose a graduate and a postgraduate program that will empower them further in reaching their goal.

The Institute consists of 21 building blocks, out of which 11 are residential building blocks and 10 academic buildings. The structural work including civil infrastructure, electric and water supply is almost complete by the CPWD.  In April, 2022, the design of the Open Air Theatre in North East Film and Television Institute was finalized.

The link of the website is mentioned below:

Participation by India

Ministry of Information and Broadcasting participates in various international film festivals around the globe to showcase and promote Indian cinema and its soft power. The objective behind the participation is to promote Indian films across linguistic cultural and regional diversity to forge an increasing number of international partnerships in the realms of distribution, co-production, production in India, filming in India, script development and technology, thereby, accelerating the growth of film sector and generation of employment in India.

Film Festivals

International Film Festival of India

International Film Festival of India (IFFI) is the only film festival in South Asia that is accredited by International Federation of Film Producers’ Associations (FIAPF) in Competitive Feature Films Category.

Since its inception in 1952, IFFI has been curating spectacular films from all over the world. Its goal is to provide a single platform for ambitious filmmakers, cineastes, and industry professionals to have access to excellent cinema from across the world.

IFFI’s International Cinema section is an assortment of culturally and aesthetically remarkable films from around the world. It has kept its stature high by committing to promote art by showcasing the international films of the year shortlisted by the eminent members associated with the Film Industry.

Since 2004, IFFI has moved to its permanent venue at Goa, where it is jointly organized each year by National Film Development Corporation (NFDC), Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India and Entertainment Society of Goa (ESG).

The link of the website is mentioned below:

Film Bazaar

Film Bazaar was initiated by the National Film Development Corporation (NFDC) in 2007 and has evolved into South Asia's global film market. It is organized every year alongside the prestigious International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in Goa.

Film Bazaar is a converging point for South Asian and international filmmakers and film producers, sales agents, and festival programmers for potential creative and financial collaboration. Over the course of 5 days, the festival focuses on discovering, supporting, and showcasing South Asian content and talent in filmmaking, production, and distribution. The Bazaar also encourages the sales of world cinema in the South Asian region.

Over the years, films such as Lunch Box, Margarita With A Straw, Chauthi Koot, Qissa, Ship of Theseus, Titli, Court, Anhe Ghode Da Daan, Miss Lovely, Dum Lagake Haisha, Liar's Dice and Thithi have been through one or more programs of the Bazaar.

The link of the website is mentioned below:

Mumbai International Film Festival (MIFF)

Mumbai International Film Festival (MIFF) is the oldest and largest film festival for non-feature films in South Asia, which began in 1990 and was earlier organized by the Films Division, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India. Now it will be organized by the National Film Development Corporation, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India. The Organizing Committee of MIFF is headed by the Secretary, I & B and consists of eminent film personalities, documentary makers and film critics.

The link of the website is mentioned below:

International Film Festival of India (IFFI)

International Film Festival of India (IFFI) is the only film festival in South Asia that is accredited by International Federation of Film Producers’ Associations (FIAPF) in Competitive Feature Films Category.

Since its inception in 1952, IFFI has been curating spectacular films from all over the world. Its goal is to provide a single platform for ambitious filmmakers, cineastes, and industry professionals to have access to excellent cinema from across the world.

IFFI’s International Cinema section is an assortment of culturally and aesthetically remarkable films from around the world. It has kept its stature high by committing to promote art by showcasing the international films of the year shortlisted by the eminent members associated with the Film Industry.

Since 2004, IFFI has moved to its permanent venue at Goa, where it is jointly organized each year by National Film Development Corporation (NFDC), Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India and Entertainment Society of Goa (ESG).

The link of the website is mentioned below:

Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Film Festival

Ministry of Information and Broadcasting had organized the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Film Festival from the 27th - 31st of January, 2023, in Mumbai through the National Film Development Corporation. The SCO Film Festival was organized to mark India’s Presidency at SCO.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Film Festival began with a grand star-studded opening ceremony and a colourful cultural evening highlighting the diversity of India, at NCPA in Mumbai today. With popular film personalities of Indian cinema as well as SCO countries in attendance, Union Minister for Information and Broadcasting and Youth Affairs and Sports Shri Anurag Singh Thakur and Minister of State (External Affairs and Culture) Smt. Meenakshi Lekhi inaugurated the SCO Film Festival.

The Guest of Honor in the opening ceremony Ms. Hema Malini and other eminent film personalities like Akshay Kumar, Tiger Shroff, Hema Malini, Sajid Nadiadwala, Esha Gupta, Poonam Dhillon, Eli Avram, Hrishita Bhatt and Jacky Bhagnani were felicitated on the occasion.

The seven Jury Members of SCO Film Festival –China’s film director Ms. Ning Ying; Musician from Kazakhstan Mr. Dimash Kudaibergen; Filmmaker and Film Critic from Kyrgyzstan Ms. Gulbara Tolomushova; Russian Film Producer and Journalist Mr. Ivan Kudryavtsev; Film Producer, Actor and Author from Tajikistan Mr. Mehmedsaid Shohiyon; Uzbekistan’s actor Mr. Matyakub Sadullayevich Matchanov and Chairperson of the jury and acclaimed Indian film-maker Rahul Rawail were also felicitated.

While delivering the welcome address, Union Minister for Information and Broadcasting said, “SCO Film Festival presents unique opportunities and incredible possibilities for film makers to network, pitch, collaborate and experience the best from the world of cinema”.

Other Festivals

Ministry also provides financial assistance to the NGO/festival organizers for organization of festivals on the recommendation of state under Development, Communication & Dissemination of Filmic Content (DCDFC) scheme.

National Film Awards

69th National Film Awards

Ministry confers National Film Awards every year for Feature Films, Non-Feature Films, Best writing on Indian Cinema, Most film friendly state award and the prestigious Dadasaheb Phalke Award. Once the recommendation of NFA Jury is received and the names of awardees are announced, the National Film Awards Presentation Ceremony is held at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi, as per the convenience of Hon’ble President of India.

The 68th National Film Awards for the year 2020 was conferred on 30.09.2022 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi by the Hon’ble President of India.

68th National Film Awards

The ceremony of 69th National Film Awards for the year 2021 was held on 17th October, 2023 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. The Awards were conferred by the Hon’ble President of India.


Sr. No. Title Date Type/Size Download/Details
1 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Central Government Ministries/Departments/PSUs/Statutory Bodies for supply of PSA Films/Approved Films issued vide Ministry of I&B's O.M. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Central Government Ministries/Departments/PSUs/Statutory Bodies for supply of PSA Films/Approved Films issued vide Ministry of I&B's O.M. 1014.84 KB View
2 Guidelines for exhibition of Public Service Awareness (PSA) Films in cinema theatres issued by Ministry of I&B Guidelines for exhibition of Public Service Awareness (PSA) Films in cinema theatres issued by Ministry of I&B 5.63 MB View
3 Report on Rationalization of Awards Conferred by the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting Report on Rationalization of Awards Conferred by the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting 1.41 MB View
4 Corrigendum for 69th National Film Awards Corrigendum for 69th National Film Awards 461.67 KB View
5 Regulations for 69th National Film Awards. Regulations for 69th National Film Awards. 1.11 MB View
6 Gazette Notification for 69th National Film Awards Gazette Notification for 69th National Film Awards 1.6 MB View
7 The High Court of Delhi Order dated 26-09-2023 in the Akshat Baldawa vs Yashraj Films The High Court of Delhi Order dated 26-09-2023 in the Akshat Baldawa vs Yashraj Films 6.65 MB View
8 Notification for enactment of Cinematograph (Amendment) Bill 2023 Notification for enactment of Cinematograph (Amendment) Bill 2023 416.54 KB View
9 Gazette of India for The Cinematograph (Amendment) Bill 2023 Gazette of India for The Cinematograph (Amendment) Bill 2023 174.02 KB View
10 The Cinematograph Act, 1952 with The Cinematograph (Certification) Rules, 1983 The Cinematograph Act, 1952 with The Cinematograph (Certification) Rules, 1983 4.45 MB View
11 Constitution of National Film Awards (NFA) Cell under Ministry of Information & Broadcasting - reg. Constitution of National Film Awards (NFA) Cell under Ministry of Information & Broadcasting - reg. 757.82 KB View
12 Skill development program for the youth of North-Eastern state in the field of 3D Animation and visual effects. View Link
13 Seeking comments of the Industry and General Public on the Draft of National Animation, Visual Effects, Games, Comic and Extended Reality (AVGC) Policy Seeking comments of the Industry and General Public on the Draft of National Animation, Visual Effects, Games, Comic and Extended Reality (AVGC) Policy 207.16 KB View
14 Report of Bimal Julka Committee Part-I Report of Bimal Julka Committee Part-I 11.13 MB View
15 Report of Bimal Julka Committee Part-II Report of Bimal Julka Committee Part-II 13.71 MB View