
Films Wing deals all matters relating to film viz. promoting production, dissemination, and preservation of filmic content including organization of International Film Festival of India, other national and international film festivals, sanctioning of films, granting film shooting permission, holding National Film Awards are handled in Films Wing. Films Wing is divided in Films Wing-I and Films Wing-II and each wing has 03 desks which are as under:

Films Wing-I

  1. F(C) Desk –
    1. All matters relating to Central Board of Film Certification Board.
    2. Cinematograph Act, 1952
    3. Co-ordination work of Film Wing.
    4. All disciplinary cases not having vigilance angle in respect of Officers/Staff of Media Unit(s) controlled by F(C) Desk
    5. Review of cases under FR 56(J) in respect of Officers and Staff belonging to non-Organized Cadres working in Media Unit(s) controlled by the Desk
    6. All the matters relating to NFDC - NFAI, Pune
    7. Matters related to Video Piracy
    8. Parliament Questions/Assurances, Court Cases, VIP/MP/PMO references, audit objections and all other ancillary works on the above subjects
    9. Any other office related work entrusted by superiors in time of exigency
  2. F(I) Desk –
    1. All matters relating to Film Industry, Film Organizations, and Film Society etc.
    2. FDI proposals in respect of film production.
    3. FIPB/Project Import Proposals
    4. Audio-Visual Co-Production Agreements with various countries
    5. Incentives for foreign film shooting in India and co-production and works related to Champion Service Sector Scheme merged into DCDFC Scheme.
    6. Permission to foreign film makers to shoot feature film in India.
    7. Exemption of Customs duties to temporary imported films/DVDs arriving for exhibition in various
    8. Procedure for Setting up of National Centre of Excellence for Animation, Gaming & Visual Effects.
    9. Production of any kind of films anywhere that includes production of documentary films, children’s films, various regional languages films among other things
    10. Grant for promotion of films
    11. Webcasting of Film Archives
    12. Exhibition of Children’s Films in School
    13. Works related to Film Facilitation Office
    14. Parliament Questions/Assurances, Court Cases, VIP/MP/PMO references, audit objections and all other ancillary works on the above subjects
    15. Any other office related work entrusted by superiors in time of exigency
  3. F(F) Desk –
    1. National Film Awards
    2. International Film Festival of India
    3. All matters relating to organization of National Film Festivals, Film Weeks, etc. in India.
    4. All matters relating to budget proposals to DCDFC Scheme, including Grants-in-Aid to NGOs for organizing Film Festivals in India.
    5. Participation in Film Markets/Film Bazaar, domestic or international.
    6. Any kind of participation in and organizing international or domestic film festival that includes Mumbai International Film Festival, IFFI etc. among other things
    7. Parliament Questions/Assurances, Court Cases, VIP/MP/PMO references, audit objections and all other ancillary works on the above subjects
    8. Any other office related work entrusted by superiors in time of exigency

Films Wing-II

  1. F(FTI) Desk –
    1. Implementation of the decision of the Union Cabinet on merger of Film Media Units
    2. Redeployment of surplus staff who are placed in Surplus Staff Establishment (SSE) in consultation with DoPT.
    3. Special VRS to surplus staff, who opted for the scheme.
    4. Establishment matter of Surplus Staff Establishment viz. Utilization of services of surplus staff, clarification on all administrative issues raised by SSE viz. MACP, accommodation, CGHS, retirement on superannuation, TA. etc.
    5. Annual Plan/Plan Schemes/Budget Proposals for Surplus Staff Establishment.
    6. Court cases of SSE arising out on the matter of redeployment and other issue after merger.
    7. Abolition of posts of Film Media Units viz. Films Division, DFF and NFAI and abolition of posts in Surplus Staff Establishment.
    8. Closure of Branch Offices of Films Division and transfer of its space etc. to NFDC/other Media Units in this Ministry.
    9. Issue clarification to borrowing Media Units where 95 staff are redeployed.
  2. F(A) Desk –
    1. Implementation of the decision of the Union Cabinet on merger of Film Media Units
    2. Redeployment of surplus staff who are placed in Surplus Staff Establishment (SSE) in consultation with DoPT.
    3. Special VRS to surplus staff, who opted for the scheme.
    4. Establishment matter of Surplus Staff Establishment viz. Utilization of services of surplus staff, clarification on all administrative issues raised by SSE viz. MACP, accommodation, CGHS, retirement on superannuation, TA. etc.
    5. Annual Plan/Plan Schemes/Budget Proposals for Surplus Staff Establishment.
    6. Court cases of SSE arising out on the matter of redeployment and other issue after merger.
    7. Abolition of posts of Film Media Units viz. Films Division, DFF and NFAI and abolition of posts in Surplus Staff Establishment.
    8. Closure of Branch Offices of Films Division and transfer of its space etc. to NFDC/other Media Units in this Ministry.
    9. Issue clarification to borrowing Media Units where 95 staff are redeployed.
    10. Monitoring and granting approval of para-wise comments/counter affidavit in 34 court cases (32 Films Division and 02 CFSI) earlier dealt by FD and CFSI on various issues viz. Pay parity, promotion, disciplinary cases/vigilance cases, commercial agreement etc.
    11. All disciplinary cases and Vigilance cases pending with erstwhile Films Division and CFSI.
    12. Various Audit paras related to Films Division and CFSI.
    13. Framing of policy guidelines on Public Service Awareness films of Govt. of India.
    14. Theatrical release of PSA films received from various Ministries/ Departments and PMO.
    15. Various pending issues with erstwhile Films Division and CFSI.
    16. Exhibition of Films in Mahadev Road Auditorium
    17. All Parliament matters, President Office/PMO/MPs/VIPs references, Standing / Consultative Committee references/ Implementation of PAC recommendations/, RTI matters, Grievance Petition, co-ordination with PMS Section, PPC Section, Admin Section , Economic Wing, Finance Wing, Rajbhasha Section on different issues.
  3. F(PSU) Desk –
    1. All administrative and financial matters relating to National Film Development Corporation.
    2. All proposal for maintenance of assets and establishment expenditure of merged 4 films media units i.e. DFF, FD, CFSI & NFAI.
    3. Signing of MoU as per DPE guidelines for evaluating performance of NFDC per financial year. Examination of performance evaluation report of NFDC as per signed MoU.
    4. Compliance of Corporation governance guidelines - quarterly examination of reports and submission to DPE, M/o Finance.
    5. Laying of Annual Reports & Audited Accounts and MoU in both the houses of Parliament, Materials for Annual report of Ministry pertaining to NFDC.
    6. Providing various information to DPE pertaining to NFDC like corporate governance guidelines, PE survey, CAPEX of NFDC etc.
    7. General Parliament matters like SCIT, Study visit by MPs, Board meetings of NFDC, Annual General meeting/Extra-ordinary General meeting of NFDC, VIP/MP references, Parliament questions, various information sought by PC, Policy Planning Cell, Parliament Cell etc, RTI, Information regarding Monthly D.O. to be sent to Finance Secretary & Secretary (Expenditure), Information regarding guarantees given by NFDC.